What is Shockwave Therapy ?


  • Back pain: muscle strains and facet arthritis

  • Arthritis: hips, knees, shoulders, elbows, spine

  • Tendon healing:

    • Shoulder: Supraspinatous, biceps, medial shoulder strain

    • Ankle: Achilles strain

    • Knee: patellar tendonitis, ACL strain

    • Hips: iliopsoas strain

  • Myelopathy of the mid and lower spine: rear limb weakness

What it does: 

  • This treatment begins a healing cascade by directing high energy soundwaves into the injured area. The sound waves interact with tissues to improve flexibility, recruit cellular growth, and reduce pain.

  • Pain relief may be evident within a week of each treatment. Start rehab exercise the next week and continue x 6 -12 weeks to optimize results! Damaged soft tissues require several months to heal completely, and shockwave can improve the quality of healing and speed the transition to exercise.

  • 1-3 treatments every 2-4 weeks depending on our goals and severity of problem. Dogs that benefit from treatment of chronic conditions come every 3-6 months for shockwave.

Medications before and after the procedure: 

  • Oral anti-anxiety medications is given at home 3 hours before the shockwave appointment.

  • Some patients are sedated to maximize results for tissue flexibility or to combine with joint injections.

  • It is a gentle treatment and we give pain medications after therapy to prevent discomfort.


  • You will need an exam by a doctor certified in Canine Rehabilitation before treatment is performed.

  • To include regenerative Medicine options (Joint injections, Stem cell therapy, PRP), a consult will be scheduled with Dr. Bartling so you can discuss the best options for your dog!


could your grumpy dog be painful? yes!


FAQ: PAtellar Luxation